If you live in Wellington you are invited to this course which is taking place on four Sundays from March 24 – April 14 5.30-7.00
The course is part of the 2019 programme for the ST Andrews Trust for the Study of Religion and Society and it’s theme of stepping lightly with each other and “Mindful People Build the Future,” is the first event of the year. In four Sunday evening sessions we will cover the
- The Philosophy behind meditation
- The Practice of mindfulness
- What mindfulness Practitioners can do to make a difference.
- The sessions are a unique chance to explore through ideas, reading, meditation practice and discussion how this might:
- Build a new path at once secular yet filled with spirit and wisdom.
- Use meditation as a tool for support the challenges of working with diverse communities and view so they can work together well.
The sessions are led by me – Jan Rivers, SATRS board member and part-time meditation teacher.
New Mindfulness and Meditation course
The Trust’s last 2 day seminar in 2018 was Paradise Lost? Paradise Restored ? which heard from people in government at all levels from the UN to local government and also from a variety of people who have a contemplative reflective or prayerful / meditative approach to life to consider the synergies between the personal and the political. This event is the next step.
Over the last few years I’ve been getting really interested in understanding whether the number of people with mindfulness and meditation skills could reach a tipping point in our society. If that happened would it start to have real world impacts? Is it possible that when people are more relaxed, more in the moment, less attached to their positions, beliefs and views that new, unexpected and hopeful solutions might emerge more easily?
If exploring this idea appeals then please come along. The course will introduce meditation to new meditators and give new ideas to experienced ones. A short reading and resources list will be provided to those who register and the readings will form the basis of weekly discussions. To get the best out of the course, participants will commit to practicing meditation between the sessions,aa as well as studying and thinking about the readings..
To register: Please fill in the registration form at www.satrs.org.nz (or supply the registration details requested in an email) to admin@satrs.org.nz and pay by cheque or online banking to: Bank account 38 9012 0627557 00.
For more information email: admin@satrs.org.nz
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